

My name is Heather and I am happily married with a St. Bernard named Destiny.  I have family all over the Pacific Northwest which range anywhere from parents & siblings in Garden Valley, Idaho to Aunts, Uncles and cousins in Seattle, Washington .. more cousins, a granny, great aunts and a dad & 2nd mom and siblings in Portland, Oregon.  I’m thankful for ALL of my family and there will always be a special place in my heart for each and every one of them, no matter what.  I just recently visited Europe for the very first time with my husband Nate.  It was such an amazing experience – to see such quaintness.. and charm.. to walk on cobblestone roads while snacking on a bowl of gelato, to hear the morning chatter while sipping on my latte, to smell the fresh-baked bread .. or the smoked sausage in Munich’s food district..to step into a magnificent cathedral and stand in awe .. to walk through a castle imagining that the King and Queen once walked where I was standing.. all of these experiences have given me a different perspective on life and the way I live it.  I will be posting some pictures in the near future, with more stories of these amazing experiences.

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